281 results for Article


Managing Your Church's Communication During Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This article helps congregations create effective and concise messages during an evolving...
Failing at Assimilation and Finding Abundance
This article shares the personal experience of an Asian American woman as a volunteer in an...
Secure Community Network: Houses of Worship
This article shares the possible threats and their effects on synagogues.
Best Practices for Posting Your Services to Social Media
This article provides steps to prevent copyright issues for online worship and streaming...
5 Smart Ways to Recruit Tech Volunteers
This article suggests strategies to find new volunteers and to make volunteering part of the...
6 Keys to Create Volunteer-Friendly AV Rooms
This article suggests ways to simplify worship technology so it can be run by volunteers.
Abortions, Guns and Trump: A Church Group Tries to Navigate America's Divisions
This article outlines how one congregation deals with political polarization among its...
Children's Ministry Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
This article focuses on how to keep children safe while they are in church facilities.
Child Sexual Abuse Response Plan
This article equips congregations with ways to prevent child abuse and what to do if abuse is...
Dealing with Dangerous People
This article helps churches identify dangerous behaviors and outlines strategies for keeping...
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