343 results for Leaders


Turner Center for Rural Vitality at University of Tennessee Southern
This resource hub supports faith leaders in cultivating thriving rural communities. It...
Building Wealth in the Black Community
This video shares financial habits for African American economic empowerment, including...
Guide to Gathering Virtually
This downloadable guide helps faith leaders co-create, facilitate, and host meaningful...
The FYI on Youth Ministry
This Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) podcast shares research insights and creativity for vibrant...
The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring & Living a Spiritual...
This resource compiles wisdom from 50 Jewish spiritual leaders meant to explore the layers and...
Church + Home: The Proven Formula for Building Lifelong Faith
This resource presents a home-centered faith formation approach as a way to establish lifelong...
Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry
Designed to help pastors and staff members become efficient leaders and administrators, this...
Michael Slind: Part of an Ongoing Conversation
This interview excerpt with a communications professional discusses the dynamics, content, and...
Special Needs Parenting: From Coping to Thriving
Written by a United Methodist minister and the mother of an adult son with special needs, this...
Nine Keys to Effective Small Group Leadership
This resource seeks to deepen understanding of why small groups are essential to...
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