574 results for Specialized Ministries


web resource
Building Church Leaders
This website of practical training packs quickly equips leaders and teams for effective...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
Young Children and Worship
This book introduces a Montessori-style curriculum for children, connecting their capacity...
Curriculum Overview for Children's Formation
This chart contains a comprehensive list of currently available children's faith formation...
A New State of Mind - Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness
This hour-long documentary details the stories of everyday people while breaking through the...
Christian Education in the African American Church: A Guide for Teaching Truth
This book focuses on providing a Christian education for African Americans, equipping...
Sweetwater Sound
This consulting group sells worship equipment and offers resources to congregations for...
Nine Keys to Effective Small Group Leadership
This resource seeks to deepen understanding of why small groups are essential to...
web resource
One License
This music copyright license allows congregations to legally reprint, podcast, record hymns,...
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
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