294 results for Help


Intro to Supporting Asylum Seekers: A Toolkit for Congregations
This video provides an overview of Supporting Asylum Seekers: A Toolkit for Congregations....
Clinic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
This Catholic organization provides legal help to immigrants in the United States by...
Kids In Need Of Defense (KIND)
This organization provides comprehensive services to surround unaccompanied migrant...
NAE Financial Health
This organization supports congregational leaders in addressing financial challenges. The...
Feeding America
This nonprofit organization is a nationwide partnership of food banks, food pantries, and...
This business sells sensory equipment and gyms that congregations can use to create sensory...
One Warm Coat
This organization can help congregations provide coats to people in need while promoting...
Partnering with Pastors and Church Leaders: Closing the Back Door
This book offers congregations insights that can help them welcome and retain new members....
Seed to Oaks
This organization connects congregations with local social and business leaders to help...
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS)
This organization works with congregations to organize volunteers who repair and rebuild...
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