73 results for Assessment


Irresistible Church Network (ICN)
The Irresisitible Church Network is a full-service, strategic planning consultant that...
Child Sexual Abuse Response Plan
This article equips congregations with ways to prevent child abuse and what to do if abuse is...
Dealing with Dangerous People
This article helps churches identify dangerous behaviors and outlines strategies for keeping...
Medical Emergency Preparation
This article argues for a health ministry team that can be integrated into the congregation...
web resource Updated
Peoples Next Door: How to Develop Teams in Your Local Chuch for People Group Discovery and...
This guide helps congregations find and engage international groups in their communities....
Bowen Digital
This organization provides a strategic approach to search engine optimization (SEO) and...
web resource Updated
Community Integration Toolkit
The Community Integration Toolkit offers informational content and accompanying worksheets...
Ministry Architects
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
This resource uses the Enneagram personality assessment to help individuals discover and...
organization Updated
The American Association Of Christian Counselors (AACC)
This organization offers a way for people to connect to licensed Christian therapists,...
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