319 results for Children''S Ministry Links


Children's Ministry Check-In and Check-Out Procedures
This article focuses on how to keep children safe while they are in church facilities.
web resource
LifeWay Christian Resources: Kids Ministry 101
This web resource, provided by the congregational resource center of the Southern Baptist...
web resource
What is Health Ministry?
This web resource is a clear and helpful explanation of what health ministry is, why faith...
Curriculum Overview for Children's Formation
This chart contains a comprehensive list of currently available children's faith formation...
web resource
Jewish Education - Teaching Emotional Intelligence
This website, by the Founder and President of Orthodox Jewish social justice organization Uri...
Faith Forward: A Dialogue on Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity
This resource draws from a 2012 conference on Children, Youth and a New Kind of Christianity,...
Simply in Season Children's Cookbook
This book seeks to restore a relationship between children and their food, offering wisdom and...
Helping Our Children Grow in Faith: How the Church Can Nurture the Spiritual Development of Kids
This resource discusses the six principles needed to help children develop a three-dimensional...
Take Me Home: Notes on the Church Year for Children
Addressed for Catholic children, this resource contains richly illustrated entries featuring a...
The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future
This resource adapts Montessori methods of education to religious education of children,...
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