35 results for Faith Formation


Digital Disciples
This article looks at how one pastor was able to incorporate technology and social media to...
Will Our Children Have Faith?
This resource provides an insightful and useful critique of Christian education, arguing that...
The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation
Discipleship Pastor Michael Hendricks shares how brain science changed the way he approaches...
Think Orange: Imagine the Impact When Church and Family Collide
This resource captures the impact congregations make when they use a more holistic and organic...
Curriculum Overview for Children's Formation
This chart contains a comprehensive list of currently available children's faith formation...
web resource
Vibrant Faith Catalyst
This interactive hub connects faith formation leaders with like-minded peers and a wealth of...
Inside Out Families: Living the Faith Together
Based on interviews of numerous families, this book provides ideas for engaging family...
This organization provides resources that support faith formation and congregational...
web resource
Making Space Podcast
This podcast explores how physical spaces (especially congregational spaces) form and shape...
Developing A Digital Discipleship Pathway
This article helps congregations include digital elements in programming that supports...
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