101 results for Ideas


Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine is a by-monthly, non-denominational magazine for Christian churches that...
web resource
Online Worshipers: Moving from Viewers to Participants
This podcast episode provides ideas and best practices for using online tools to develop...
101 Ways to Reach Your Community
This easy-to-read book helps congregations focus outward through service.
web resource
Zeteo Preaching and Worship
This web resource provides a searchable collection of articles and websites that can...
Outspoken: Conversations on Church Communication
This book contains dozens of brief, expert articles about how to communicate ideas inside and...
8 Ways to Show Appreciation
This podcast gives ideas to celebrate your pastor during Pastor Appreciation month.
What Now? Creative Tool for COVID-19 Planning
This 3-hour self-facilitated planning process helps teams think creatively to make an action...
Giving a Life Meaning: How to Lead Funerals, Memorial Services, and Celebrations of Life
This book provides practical tools for anyone leading a funeral service for the first time.
Mental Health Tips for African Americans to Heal after Collectively Witnessing an Injustice
This video provides mental health ideas and resources to cope with racial trauma and social...
Pastor's Anniversary: Cultural Resources
This article highlights Black pastoral leadership with historical traditions and ideas to...
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