77 results for Pastors


Black Pastors Work To Protect Churches from Violence - In and Outside the Community
This article tells the story of New Northside Missionary Baptist Church, a congregation...
Q&A: How Churches, Pastors Are Eligible for Relief in Stimulus Package
This article explains how congregations and their staff can qualify for financial relief under...
Leadership and Grief: A Conversation for Pastors
This webinar provides models of grief and lament, coping mechanisms, leadership on trauma...
web resource
Small-Church Pastors Adapt and Recover Kit (SPARK)
During the pandemic, this webpage helps small membership church leaders to adapt and recover...
A Change of Pastors... and How it Affects Change in the Congregation
This resource frames clergy transitions as a period with potential to strengthen relationships...
web resource
How Technology Has Transformed Detroit's Black Churches: Adapting Post-Pandemic
This 20-minute video can give congregational leaders perspectives on how congregations are...
Fallen Pastor: Finding Restoration in a Broken World
Written by a former Southern Baptist pastor who was removed from his congregation after...
Interim Ministry: Positive Change in Times of Transition
This resource offers a comprehensive review of interim ministry, and includes strategies and...
How to Lead Calmly in a Global Outbreak
In this article, experienced pastors George Mason and Mark Wingfield provide a pep-talk for...
AEHS Study Day with Stanley Hauerwas: Preaching Without Apology
This video is a lecture about preaching as a vocation and as an act central to worship. ...
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