129 results for Study


Fifteen Steps Out of Darkness: The Way of the Cross for People on the Journey of Mental Illness
This collection of 15 stories from a community health organization in Maryland describes...
Hartford Institute for Religion Research
This organization provides scholarly research and resources about a variety of topics related...
Disrupting Homelessness: Alternative Christian Approaches
This book looks at the structural causes of homelessness, examining the two common Christian...
We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and...
This devotional book consists of 52 readings designed to be read over a year. It contains...
Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works
This theological resource explores worship and its formative power, concentrating on the...
Six Weeks with the Bible: Catholic Perspectives
Written by experienced teachers and biblical experts, this multi-volume series explores the...
Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity
The book is a complete commentary on the time-tested role of the pastor as a preacher,...
Breakthrough: Trusting God for Big Change in Your Church
This book describes the story of how one congregation dared to accept the changes God had...
web resource
White Privilege: Let's Talk - A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
The United Church of Christ offers a free, downloadable curriculum for White faith communities...
Comfort My People - A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness with Study Guide
Written by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness of the Presbyterian Church, this study...
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