85 results for Conflict


Communication Strategies for Addressing Conflict
This article discusses the role that miscommunication plays in congregational conflict and...
Susan Nienaber Consulting, LLC
This organization provides consulting for congregations in conflict, needing structural...
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC)
This organization offers hands-on training clinics and onsite consulting for nonviolent...
Avoiding Splits – Fighting Fair in Church: Guidelines for an Effective Church...
This article addresses the problem of church conflict and the lack of training for pastors to...
Abortions, Guns and Trump: A Church Group Tries to Navigate America's Divisions
This article outlines how one congregation deals with political polarization among its...
Stilling the Storm: Worship and Congregational Leadership in Difficult Times
This resource offers guidance for worship planners in congregations going through difficulty...
Four Guiding Principles for Managing a Polarized Congregation
This article equips leaders to navigate conflict in the congregation.
web resource
The Witness: A Black Christian Collective
Drawing on the expansive Black Church tradition, this collective connects personal faith and...
Michael Slind: Part of an Ongoing Conversation
This interview excerpt with a communications professional discusses the dynamics, content, and...
Who Moved my Tabernacle? The Ruckus Over Renovation
This article details the stories of several Roman Catholic congregations during the renovation...
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