61 results for Discipleship


In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church
Composed of eight essays, this resource uses biblical texts, African traditions, and...
Books Lay Out Guiding Principles for Small Groups in Parishes
This article highlights statistics on Catholics who have left their faith and provides...
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
Transformational Groups: Creating a New Scorecard for Groups
This resource presents key principles and practices for dynamic small groups while providing a...
Church Worth Getting Up For
This book advocates for the practice of radical hospitality and focusing the church's mission...
Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations
This book is written for congregations seeking to strengthen disciple-making skills through...
web resource
Communities of Calling Website
The Collegeville Institute at St. John’ s School of Theology offers resources and...
This documentary about theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer explores his life and asks viewers to...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
Journey to Baptismal Living
This organization offers an e-newsletter, conference, and articles to help congregational...
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