169 results for Justice


web resource
Nice White Parents
This 5-episode series reports racial injustices in school systems and how parents contribute...
Beyond the Possible: 50 Years of Creating Radical Change in a Community Called Glide
Told by its two founders, this book recalls stories from Glide Memorial, a United Methodist...
Disrupting Homelessness: Alternative Christian Approaches
This book looks at the structural causes of homelessness, examining the two common Christian...
The Witness of the Church and a Critical Presidential Election
In this panel discussion, faith leaders discuss human flourishing in America and the...
web resource
Groundswell, a project of Auburn Theological Seminary, is an online community that provides...
Ministry with Prisoners and Families: The Way Forward
This edited volume equips congregations to form a response to the impact of incarceration on...
Jesus and the Disinherited
As we struggle today with poverty, racism, and spiritual disengagement, this book is a...
Friendship at the Margins: Discovering Mutuality in Service and Mission
This resource offers congregations various ways to reflect upon and reconsider how they...
Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
The Liturgy of Politics
This engaging book calls Evangelical Christians to reflect Jesus in political life by...
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