57 results for Renewal


Church Transfusion: Changing Your Church Organically From the Inside Out
This resource centers on the role of leadership and how church leaders motivated by vital...
Shepherding the Small Church: A Leadership Guide for the Majority of Today's Churches
This book presents the meaning of church vitality in a new light, and begins a conversation...
Holy Currencies: 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries
This book lists six congregational assets, also known as "currencies." By using gracious...
Stop Taking Attendance
This article argues that congregations should focus more on overall impact versus attendance. ...
Life on the Edge: A Small Church Redefines Its Mission
This article dispels negative myths about the small church's future.
web resource
Ministry Matters
This website is a general purpose site containing dozens of articles and blogs on information...
A Sabbatical Primer for Pastors: How to Initiate and Navigate a Spiritual Renewal Leave
This book advocates for practices and policies that ensure a sabbatical for every pastor,...
Journeying Toward Renewal: A Spiritual Companion for Pastoral Sabbaticals
This resource uses the journal entries of the author in addition to interviews with sabbatical...
Center for Courage & Renewal
This organization offers programs for clergy and other religious leaders to integrate who they...
New Songs of Celebration Render: Congregational Song in the Twenty-First Century
This church hymnody resource identifies, describes, and discusses seven categories of...
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