239 results for Building


Who Does What? A Guide to Design Professionals in Preservation
This article equips congregations to determine what type of building professional to hire...
Entrusted: A Guide to Intentional Church Facility Stewardship
This book helps congregational leaders develop a holistic approach to caring for their...
The National Association of Church Design Builders (NACDB)
This organization provides congregations with information about the Design/Build method of...
Presbyterian Foundation
This foundation offers support for congregations around all types of stewardship, including...
Urban Ministry: An Introduction
This book combines theory and practical tips to place urban ministry front and center,...
web resource
Relocation Manual for Pastors and Church Leaders
This digital manual provides rich insight and practical considerations to discern about...
10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation
This light-hearted TedTalk is an important reminder of the skills required to have a...
web resource
Publicly Engaged Church for Justice and Peace
This ELCA resource hub offers community organizing and advocacy tools for congregations.
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently
In this book, leadership expert John Maxwell shares how to go beyond communication to form...
Drumming in Worship: Experiencing God's Heartbeat
This article cites examples of churches that use drumming to build community.
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