160 results for Change


web resource
Reconciliation Ministry
The Reconciliation Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is an acknowledgment...
6 Ways to Respond When People Disagree with Your Church Reopening Plan
This article provides six ways for leaders to handle conflict and pushback about reopening.
Lessons in Belonging from a Church-Going Commitment Phobe
This memoir recounts one millennial feminist's approach to life in the Christian community and...
Necessary Endings
This book guides readers to determine what activities and beliefs are worth keeping or...
Know the Best Time to Relocate Your Church
This article urges congregations to examine their identity and mission before moving...
Adapt to Thrive
This book pushes readers to view the church as an organism --- something that must survive...
Mission: Possible
This board game empowers teams to tackle problems by generating creative solutions, drawing on...
Becoming an Anti-racist Church: Journeying Toward Wholeness
This powerful book explains racism in the American church and outlines practical strategies to...
web resource
Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong
This 18-minute TedTalk frames community engagement positively with compelling stories and...
Dealing with Neighborhood Transitions in Your Church, Part 2: Congregational Relocation
Part of a four-part series on ministry in changing neighborhoods, this article offers five...
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