33 results for Young People


Mission Trips that Matter: Embodied Faith for the Sake of the World
This resource seeks to optimize the impact of short term mission trips on young people by...
5 Core Principles of Peer Support
This short video provides a brief overview to set up and run peer groups for children and...
Lessons in Belonging from a Church-Going Commitment Phobe
This memoir recounts one millennial feminist's approach to life in the Christian community and...
Lott Carey
This organization offers leadership development and educational resources focused on learning...
Search Institute: Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed
This organization provides research and resources for congregations that help young people...
web resource
Relationships Unfiltered. Interviews and full length video presentations featuring Andrew Root.
Relational youth ministry at its most authentic is not a means of influencing young people. It...
The Developmental Relationships Framework
This printable page reminds youth leaders of healthy developmental strategies to nuture young...
Student Leaders Start Here: Assessments and Tools to Help You Grow as a Leader
This interactive workbook helps young people discover and celebrate their leadership style and...
Cultivating Sent Communities: Missional Spiritual Formation
Composed by a variety of contributors, this book examines spiritual formation from the...
Shaped by the Story: Discover the Art of Bible Storying
This resource presents a new method of oral storytelling to connect teens with the Bible,...
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