1769 results for Education And Awareness


Latino Protestants in America: Growing and Diverse
Based on a study of various congregations and Latino Protestants, this resource details an...
The Church and Families of Children with Special Needs
This panel discussion considers what role parishioners, lay leaders, and clergy can play to...
Family Life Centers and Congregations
This article offers insight and guidance to congregations contemplating building a Family Life...
Black and Latino Startup Churches Work to Stay Afloat During Pandemic
This article highlights congregations of color that revolutionized urban ministry during the...
web resource
Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
On this site, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides a wide variety of...
5 Tips and Best Practices for Church Disinfecting Protocols
This article lists tips and best practices for disinfecting congregational buildings.
web resource
Religion and Beliefs
Provided by The Huffington Post, an entire section of blogs about faith appears in the...
A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors
This book explores the aging population and shares how they can be assets to the congregation....
A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
This book shares ways to renew Roman Catholic parishes, ranging from paying college students...
Like Stepping Into A Canoe: Nimbleness and the Transition into Ministry
This book provides guidance and healthy practices to navigate ministry transitions. Written...
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