660 results for Leadership


Fallen Pastor: Finding Restoration in a Broken World
Written by a former Southern Baptist pastor who was removed from his congregation after...
Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry
This resource walks readers through a 30-day boot camp in order to secure youth volunteers.
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
Facilitation at a Glance: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation
This practical book teaches facilitation for anyone interested in coordinating group work or...
Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings: 24 Steps to Generate Meaningful Results
This resource will increase the effectiveness of your congregation by providing a guide to...
The Emotional Intelligence of Jesus: Relational Smarts for Religious Leaders
This resource uses the Bible, brain science, and psychology to depict the uses of emotional...
The Circle Way: A Leader in Every Chair
This resource provides the history and basics of The Circle Way, a structure of conversation...
A Sabbatical Primer for Pastors: How to Initiate and Navigate a Spiritual Renewal Leave
This book advocates for practices and policies that ensure a sabbatical for every pastor,...
Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection
This book draws from interviews with clergy and lay leaders from over 40 different churches to...
Church Mergers - 10 Things to Consider
This article advises churches considering a merger to explore ten key issues that will impact...
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