456 results for Resources


web resource
Be Make Do: A Soul Maker's Podcast
The Be. Make. Do. podcast inspires artists of faith to pursue their calling as cultural...
Grant Readiness Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating DEI Policies for Churches
This article supports congregational leaders as they develop DEI policies that might...
Hope for the Heart
Founded by June Hunt, Hope for the Heart is a biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling...
organization Updated
The American Association Of Christian Counselors (AACC)
This organization offers a way for people to connect to licensed Christian therapists,...
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The Catholic Family Life Association
This resource type helps congregations foster a family perspective and advocate for family...
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Peoples Next Door: How to Develop Teams in Your Local Chuch for People Group Discovery and...
This guide helps congregations find and engage international groups in their communities....
web resource Updated
Toolkit For Churches Accompanying People Seeking Asylum
Presented by the Presbyterian Church (USA), this toolkit provides a thorough resource guide...
web resource
Pastoring in the Digital Parish
This podcast, presented by Rev. Ryan Dunn, a minister of online engagement for United...
Theology Of Digital
This 27 minute video can help you think about the place of digital tools in the life of...
A Small Church Guide to Podcasting and Digital Ministry
This brief article from Endeavor Online As In Heaven will provide you with the basics that...
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