73 results for Assessment


The Unstuck Church: Equipping Churches to Experience Sustained Health
This resource lays out the seven lifecycle phases of a congregation, beginning with "Launch"...
Church Buildings: A Strategic Guide to Design, Renovation, and Construction
How can church leaders make wise decisions when planning, designing, and constructing their...
Capital Campaign Pro
This fundraising group provides training and resources to help congregations conduct...
5 Words Media
This organization helps congregations throughout the United States design or upgrade their...
National Fund for Sacred Places
This funder provides building grants and technical support for historic worship facilities.
Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion
This book can help congregational leaders avoid or recover from burnout. With 30 years of...
Irresistible Church Network
This organization strives to unite mission-minded churches in a network to create an...
7 Epic Youth Ministry Mistakes: How Many is Your Church Making?
This e-book shares common youth ministry mistakes and how to avoid them.
National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management
This organization offers resources, guides, and a week-long conference focusing on...
Discovering God's Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts
This eight-hour course is part of a comprehensive spiritual gifts program that helps users...
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