79 results for Covid 19


web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
web resource
SDPC Resources for Coronavirus
Curated for Black clergy and lay leaders, this list of resources addresses justice and all...
10 Tips: Financial Navigation for Synagogue Leaders During a Crisis
This article provides tips for congregational crisis management including finances,...
Waving the Banner for Youth Ministry
This podcast episode features youth worker Mark Oestreicher discussing COVID-19 and...
The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges and Opportunities That Determine the Future
This book provides coaching and strategies to live into the possibilities of the post...
Manage Stress and Cultivate Resiliency
This webinar provides mental health practices for coping during COVID-19 and racial unrest.
The Church has a Role to Play in Implementing COVID Vaccine
This article explores biblical reasons to support the COVID-19 vaccine with actionable steps...
The Future of Giving: Trends Shaping Next-Gen Philanthropy
This article helps congregational leaders understand how to connect with the values of...
Youth Ministry in This Season of Disruption
This practical book written in the midst of COVID-19 helps youth leaders pivot and take action...
Essential Tools for Hybrid Church Ministry
This article recommends online platforms and tools for congregational life during COVID-19.
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