112 results for Groups


web resource
Small Group Ministries
Based on the "Purpose Driven Life” philosophy of Saddleback Church, Small Group...
web resource
Helping Your Church Respond to the Coronavirus
This United Methodist resource page offers a variety of information and trainings to help...
Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship
This collection of essays explores themes of stewardship through various lenses using...
What Makes a Good Bible Study? The Answer May Not Be What You Think
This article provides guidance for Bible study leaders looking for a study resource,...
Books Lay Out Guiding Principles for Small Groups in Parishes
This article highlights statistics on Catholics who have left their faith and provides...
National Alliance on Mental Illness Faith Support Groups
This organization features descriptions of eight spirituality/faith-related support groups...
MissioRelate: Becoming a Church of Missional Small Groups
This resource looks at the future of small group ministry and offers the missional church...
Leading Life-Changing Small Groups
This workbook looks at both theory and practical issues to equip small group leaders with the...
Leading Small Groups That Thrive: Five Shifts to Take Your Group to the Next Level
As a result of a large-scale research study, this book provides a data-driven model for...
Listening & Caring Skills: A Guide for Groups and Leaders
This practical resource offers suggestions and examples to help readers enhance their...
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