53 results for Two


For the City: Proclaiming and Living Out the Gospel
This short but engaging book dives into the work of two urban church planters, detailing...
Relating to Contractors
This two-page guide from congregational experts offers commonsense tips and tools to get the...
Insights Into: Congregational Conflict
Part of a series produced by Faith Communities Today, this article analyzes the results of two...
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: Strong, Healthy Congregations Living in the Grace of God
Written in two parts, this book summarizes the five characteristics of healthy congregations...
The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
Engage Conflict Well: A Guide to Prepare Yourself and Engage Others in Conflict Transformation
This 12-page booklet is divided into two sections --- first addressing the individual's...
Tomorrow's Synagogue Today: Creating Vibrant Centers of Jewish Life
This resource contemplates the identity of the synagogue as a religious center for Jewish...
7 Simple Steps to Green Your Church
This two-part guide to become environmentally friendly includes case studies and tips,...
Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided by Faith
This collection of essays from various scholars explores race relations and the role religion...
Racial Justice and the Catholic Church
This informative book analyzes the Roman Catholic Church's response to racism in America,...
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