106 results for Giving


Not Your Parent's Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
This book teaches leaders how to cast a vision of generosity that empowers congregations to...
Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Ministry
This resource clarifies the issues that make stewardship so challenging in modern times,...
Rambam's Ladder: A Meditation on Generosity and Why It is Necessary to Give
Written from a Jewish perspective, this book reflects on the work of twelfth-century scholar...
Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders
This book will help churches attain future financial stability and offers a process for...
web resource
Equipping Leaders: Stewardship
This webpage for stewardship resources offers a steady flow of new reflections, articles, and...
SimpleGive: Online giving made simple
This customizable giving platform allows congregations to select a variety of services a la...
How Online Giving Helps Fund Ministry
This webinar shares data, trends, and practical strategies to transition to online giving.
Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church: A Guide for Every Member
This book provides clergy and congregational leaders with a four year plan for how to grow and...
Pandemic Presents Challenge to Church Giving
This article outlines how churches around the world are responding to the financial challenges...
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