115 results for Research


Faith Communities Today (FACT)
This multifaith research coalition shares data and statistics about vital congregational...
web resource
Relational Authority: The State of Religion and Young People 2020
This short, accessible e-book shares implications of research based on 13- to 25-year-olds and...
Building the Church's Readiness for a Transformational Ministry Journey
This research-based article is a roadmap to transformative community ministry with seven...
The FYI on Youth Ministry
This Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) podcast shares research insights and creativity for vibrant...
Voices of Young People Podcast
Produced by Springtide Research Institute, these podcasts listen directly to young people as...
Sacred Rest
In Sacred Rest, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, a board-certified internal medicine doctor,...
Leadership and Listening: Spiritual Foundations for Church Governance
This concise book presents a research-based analysis of the relationship between the processes...
web resource
Collaborative On Faith And Disabilities
A collaborative website with many resources collected by the Institute of Theology and...
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches
Based on interviews, research, and surveys, this resource considers three types of Asian...
web resource
Groups Matter - #TheExchange with @EdStetzer and @RealEricGeiger
President of LifeWay Research Division Ed Stetzer and Vice President of LifeWay Christian...
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