61 results for Safety


Leading Congregations Through Crisis
Using real-life examples, this book offers advice on how to navigate the congregation through...
Church Finance Today
This e-newsletter covers timely finance topics such as record keeping, business expenses,...
web resource
Trauma Addiction: Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma
Written by a licensed mental health counselor, this article outlines treatment options, tools...
web resource
Safety Library: Tips, Tutorials, and Checklists to Help Manage Ministry Risks
Brotherhood Mutual insures many of America's congregations and related ministries. This...
Essential Guide to Children's Ministry Safety
This resource provides an overview of how to keep children safe, touching on subjects ranging...
Decision Decks
This collection of decks of safety and security scenario cards enables leaders to...
book Updated
Open Arms, Safe Communities: The Theology of Church Security
This book tackles questions of church safety and security, while wrestling with...
web resource
Your Church Property: Self-Inspection Checklists for Churches
This article provides a checklist to inspect your congregational facility for safety...
web resource
Protecting Houses of Worship Against Arson
This web page from the US Fire Administration provides resources to help your congregation...
Managing Empty Buildings during COVID
This webinar highlights considerations for an empty worship facility such as safety,...
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