239 results for Spirituality


web resource
Religion and Beliefs
Provided by The Huffington Post, an entire section of blogs about faith appears in the...
web resource
On Being
This website is associated with On Being, the weekly radio podcast, hosted by Yale Divinity...
Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story
This hour-long film tells the life story of pastor and theologian Howard Thurman, a...
Called and Chosen: Toward a Spirituality for Lay Leaders
This collection of 13 essays discusses relevant topics for lay ministers, such as the...
Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
This resource shares unconventional wisdom about spirituality and human behavior, looking...
Divergent Church: The Bright Promise of Alternative Faith Communities
This resource explores the unique characteristics of divergent churches, examining the how and...
Susan Nienaber Consulting, LLC
This organization provides consulting for congregations in conflict, needing structural...
These thought leaders advocate for faith-based social justice. They create thought-provoking...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
Stewardship for Vital Congregations
This resource connects purpose and vision with stewardship towards the goal of a thriving...
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