47 results for Activities


Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism
This book focuses on the concept of evangelism --- its challenges, the reason for doing it,...
Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families...
This resource helps support congregations in their quest towards becoming places of welcome...
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and Their Families
This how-to guide offers tips and tools for integrating special needs children and youth into...
web resource
11 High-Impact Planning Ideas for Senior Pastors
This blog provides innovative activities to clarify your congregation's strategy and vision.
Take Me Home: Notes on the Church Year for Children
Addressed for Catholic children, this resource contains richly illustrated entries featuring a...
Congregational Connections: Uniting Six Generations in the Church
This book examines the differences and needs of the six generations that make up...
web resource
Servant Evangelism
This website and blog focuses on evangelism based on kindness.
web resource
This website offers guides to improve evaluation practices like surveys, group activities, and...
Leading Congregations and Nonprofits in a Connected World: Platforms, People and Purpose
This book proposes a different conceptual framework based on understanding social networks for...
15 Ways to Engage a Young Man's Faith
This article draws from a study and key findings to detail 15 ways congregations can reach...
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