55 results for Offering


Priestly Ministry In Multiple Parishes
This resource explores the growing trend of Roman Catholic priests serving multiple parishes,...
Leadership in the Wilderness: Authority and Anarchy in the Book of Numbers
Using the book of Numbers, this book explores leadership and its accompanying challenges,...
Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This book equips congregations to include people with autism, offering strategies and...
Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict
This book reveals how congregations can deal with conflict in a healthy way that will promote...
The Missional Church in Perspective: Mapping Trends and Shaping the Conversation
This book examines the multitude of definitions for the term "missional" before offering its...
Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)
This organization empowers Rabbis by offering a variety of practical services such as...
Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power
This thoughtful book reframes power as something that can be used as a tool for grace and...
Text Messages: Torah Commentary for Teens
This resource invites teens to consider the larger texts of the Torah so that they may find...
Congregational Connections: Uniting Six Generations in the Church
This book examines the differences and needs of the six generations that make up...
Does a Congregation's Location Influence Its Effectiveness?
This article argues that congregations can be successful regardless of their location,...
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