41 results for Security


Church Finance Today
This e-newsletter covers timely finance topics such as record keeping, business expenses,...
Practical Advice for Keeping Your Church Safe
This article guides congregational leaders through the "three essentials" that enhance...
Managing Church Facility Use
Published as a part of the Church Tax and Law Ministy of Christianity Today, this helpful...
Brotherhood Mutual
This insurance group helps reduce a congregation's liability and risk through services and...
Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety
This article from the Council on American-Islamic Relations offers practical steps to protect...
web resource
Preparation and Response: A Toolkit for USCJ Synagogues on Confronting Antisemitism
This toolkit provides relevant, specific steps and resources to deal with threats and...
web resource
Catholic Rural Life
This website offers free resources for rural and small town congregations to address outreach,...
2022 Church & Clergy Tax Guide
This annual publication provides current information about tax laws, equipping treasurers and...
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