64 results for Staff


The Ultimate Guide to AI, Pastors, and the Church
This medium-length article from Carey Nieuwhof and Kenny Jahng is a thoughtful approach to...
This technology company enables congregations to provide adaptive communication tools to...
Church Media Squad
This media service enables congregations to outsource their design needs for branding,...
FILO (First In Last Out)
This organization supports staff and volunteers who work on their congregation’s...
Practical Advice for Keeping Your Church Safe
This article guides congregational leaders through the "three essentials" that enhance...
book Updated
Securing Church Operations: A Seven Step Plan for Ministry and Safety Leaders
This book supports congregations starting or revamping a church security program by looking...
This web-based solution by ACS is a robust management software that simplifies staff...
web resource
Ravblog is the blog of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and features contributions...
When Better Isn't Enough: Evaluation Tools for the 21st Century Church
This book offers a 3-step process for effective congregational leadership evaluations,...
Susan Beaumont and Associates, LLC
This organization provides consulting and online resources for leaders who serve large...
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