660 results for Leadership


web resource
How Should Leaders Respond to a Pandemic?
These thoughtful articles explore how congregations can respond during a pandemic and remain...
Deacons in Today's Black Baptist Church
This resource examines the role of deacon in the Black Church, beginning with a discussion of...
Fuller Youth Institute
This innovative branch of Fuller Theological Seminary provides research-based articles,...
web resource
SDPC Resources for Coronavirus
Curated for Black clergy and lay leaders, this list of resources addresses justice and all...
Avoiding All-Out Church War
This pack of eight articles educates readers about conflict and how to mitigate it in a...
Adapt to Thrive
This book pushes readers to view the church as an organism --- something that must survive...
Church in these VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) Times
This simple video orients leaders to the evolving impact of COVID-19. Then it explains how to...
Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations
This book of practical tools turns strategic planning into "holy conversations" guided by...
web resource
Coronavirus Resources for the Church
The Wheaton College Human Disaster Institute offers a streamlined resource page for...
Handling Conflict
This thorough resource, covering 12 different aspects of conflict, identifies negative and...
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