1769 results for Education And Awareness


7 Do's and Don'ts of Welcoming Guests to Your Congregation
This article draws from the author's experience visiting various congregations to offer seven...
The Ministry of Small Groups: Towards an Integration of Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis
This article looks at six reasons why small groups fail and offers solutions.
The Steward Leader: Transforming People, Organizations and Communities
This resource provides a way for leaders to see everything they do as a stewardship of God's...
Fairness is Overrated: And 51 Other Leadership Principles to Revolutionize Your Workplace
This book is easy to read and goes beyond cliche leadership content to offer 51 principles...
Body and Soul: We Belong
This LGBTQ-affirming video series examines how to welcome all through faith, baptism, and...
Connect Community Service and Corporate Worship
Published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, this article discusses the challenge...
Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform...
This book shares how stories can be used to teach and captivate audiences in congregations.
web resource
Quaker Aging Resources: Providing Spirit-Centered Resources and Information
Developed by The New York and Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of Friends (Quakers), this website...
Preaching and Stewardship: Proclaiming God's Invitation to Grow
This theological guide provides a positive framework through which to view church stewardship,...
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Information for Churches and Religious Organizations
This website offers useful information for congregations seeking to clarify their nonprofit...
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