538 results for Resource


Care For Pastors
Care for Pastors is an organization dedicated to the health and wellbeing of pastors in the...
web resource
Mitigating Attacks On Houses Of Worship Security Guide
This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into...
Nonprofit Security Grant Program
This grant provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security...
web resource
Pastoring in the Digital Parish
This podcast, presented by Rev. Ryan Dunn, a minister of online engagement for United...
web resource Updated
Toolkit For Churches Accompanying People Seeking Asylum
Presented by the Presbyterian Church (USA), this toolkit provides a thorough resource guide...
organization Updated
The Catholic Family Life Association
This resource type helps congregations foster a family perspective and advocate for family...
World Methodist Evangelism
World Methodist Evangelism is an organization that specializes in resource consulting and...
Church Buildings: A Strategic Guide to Design, Renovation, and Construction
How can church leaders make wise decisions when planning, designing, and constructing their...
web resource
Holy Post
This web resource produces podcasts, articles, and videos that help congregations explore...
Balm in Gilead
This nonprofit improves health and wellness for African Americans by spreading awareness in...
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