1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Video Resource Library
This Video Resource Library includes approximately 120 free, diverse, and inclusive videos...
Indiana Rural Health Association: Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
The Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives program was established by the Indiana Department of...
web resource
The Lift Project
Offered by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, this is a 10-week multicomponent...
Mental Health America of Indiana
This organization curates mental health resources specifically for those in Indiana,...
media Updated
Building Welcoming Communities: Integration Strategies from Faith Organizations
Immigrant Learning Center Public Education Institute Director Denzil Mohammed moderates a...
web resource
Faith & Leadership
The Faith & Leadership website, courtesy of Leadership Education at Duke Divinity, offers a...
web resource
National Human Trafficking Hotline Resources
This website for the National Human Trafficking Hotline provides concerned congregations with...
Ark Encounter
The Ark Encounter features a full-size Noah's Ark, built according to the dimensions given...
Making Amazing Live Online Learning
In this Trending in Education podcast episode, expert Adi Hanash highlights the benefits of...
The Colossian Forum
This organization helps Christian communities use cultural conflicts as opportunities for...
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