652 results for Leadership


Strategic Planning For Black Churches: A Guidebook to Understanding the Future Impact of Today's...
Strategic planning is the process of assessing assets and challenges, opportunities and...
Discovering God's Future For Your Church
This toolkit supports congregational leaders by providing a framework for determining your...
Irresistible Church Network (ICN)
The Irresisitible Church Network is a full-service, strategic planning consultant that...
media Updated
Strategic Planning Session Outlines and PDF Files
This collection guides church leaders through the strategic planning process for their...
Faith On The Journey
This company, in partnership with the Trauma Healing Institute, offers healing groups for...
Care For Pastors
Care for Pastors is an organization dedicated to the health and wellbeing of pastors in the...
book Updated
Resiliencia: Camino para transformar la adversidad (Spanish Edition)
Este libro es una herramienta fundamental que le permitiridentificar, desarrollar y poner...
Leadership Transformations, Inc. (LTI)
This organization offers training for congregational leaders to learn to listen and be...
Lewis Center for Church Leadership
This leadership center offers year-round workshops, a fellowship program, and online resources...
Appreciative Leadership: Focus on What Works to Drive Winning Performance and Build a Thriving...
This resource explores the five core strategies of Appreciative Leadership and contains...
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