149 results for Black


Strategies for Educating African American Children
This resource combines knowledge of the African American Sunday School tradition with insights...
Alternatives to Calling the Police
This resource page unpacks why a congregation might call police and highlights alternatives...
web resource
Racial Reconciliation and Systemic Racism
This resource hub educates congregations about racial justice from a faith perspective.
The Color of HOPE: African American Mental Health in the Church
This book provides religious care professionals and laity with a robust awareness of mental...
web resource
The African American Lectionary
This website is a key online resource, particularly formed for an African American audience,...
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
This article lists 10 clear ways to actively support racial justice. It also links to further...
For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies
This article offers practical steps to support people of color and racial justice.
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
This book enlightens readers about generational trauma, its impact on the body, and how to...
web resource
Worship and Prayer in African American Christianity
This vibrant blog post by Dr. Brad Braxton serves as both an appreciation for and a teaching...
Canaan Land: A Religious History Of African Americans
Written by a professor at Princeton University, this resource combines narrative, facts, and...
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