87 results for Black


Youth Ministry in the Black Church
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Mental Health in Black and Brown Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
2 resources
Black and African American Mental Health Resources
Curator the CRG Team
28 resources


"Is the Black Church Dead?" A Roundtable on the Future of Black Churches
This 2-hour panelist discussion examines the evolution of the Black Church, its positive...
web resource
Association of Black Psychologists Directory of Black Psychologists
This webpage offers a directory to search for black wellness professionals and subject...
The Black Church in the African American Experience
This book offers a history of the Black Church, highlighting intricacies and demonstrating why...
What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?
Written by two long-serving white pastors of Black Churches, this resource is both instructive...
The Black Church (PBS): This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
This two-part PBS documentary celebrates the Black Church as a bedrock of resilience...
web resource
Advice for White Folks in the Wake of the Police Murder of a Black Person
This article offers advice to white readers about how to respond after the police killing...
To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church
This practical guide for the Black Church provides a model for social justice ministries. The...
A Network Of Black Farmers And Black Churches Delivers Fresh Food From Soil To Sanctuary
This article shares how Black churches improve food accessibility and community health by...
web resource
The Witness: A Black Christian Collective
Drawing on the expansive Black Church tradition, this collective connects personal faith and...
Call Blackline
This organization exists to provide private crisis counseling and witness listening for...
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