79 results for Covid 19


Mental Health and the Black Church
This article outlines the plight of the African American church specifically after Covid-19...
web resource
Church & Culture
This website explores how daily news topics intersect with congregational life.
web resource
Pastor Appreciation During Coronavirus
This membership website has sample letters and templates to honor pastors during COVID-19. ...
The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online
This e-book compiles experiences, tips, and advice from faith leaders who adapted to online...
web resource
Church Facility Management Solutions
This Facebook group of facility managers provides peer conversation and resources from Smart...
What Should Post-Pandemic Religion Look Like?
This e-book outlines 10 insights religious leaders need to consider to survive and thrive in...
web resource
Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations
This website shares timely data about U.S. congregations and how they are impacted by...
What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide
This book teaches budgeting for life's unplanned events, such as COVID-19 and unemployment. ...
Church Music in the Age of COVID
In this recorded webinar worship leaders outline how to adjust worship planning and adapt...
Q&A: How Churches, Pastors Are Eligible for Relief in Stimulus Package
This article explains how congregations and their staff can qualify for financial relief under...
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