63 results for Ed Young


The Trevor Project
This organization's mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
A War Of Loves: The Unexpected Story of a Gay Activist Discovering Jesus
This book is a personal story of how David Bennett, as a young gay man, saw Christianity as...
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
This article explores the iGeneration, statistics on the use of smart phones, and how it...
God's Graffiti: Inspiring Stories for Teens
This resource turns to scripture for examples of people who encountered and overcame difficult...
How We Gather
This 22-page report helps readers understand how younger generations meet in community.
Mission Trips that Matter: Embodied Faith for the Sake of the World
This resource seeks to optimize the impact of short term mission trips on young people by...
Black Millennials & the Church: Meet Me Where I Am
This collection of African American narratives and statistics offers practical strategies to...
The Best of Building Assets Together: Favorite Group Activities that Help Youth Succeed
This resource provides over 100 different activities to foster developmental assets in middle...
Lewis Center for Church Leadership
This leadership center offers year-round workshops, a fellowship program, and online resources...
Shaped by the Story: Discover the Art of Bible Storying
This resource presents a new method of oral storytelling to connect teens with the Bible,...
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