1763 results for Education And Awareness


Your Volunteers: From Come and See to Come and Serve
This practical guide explains how to sustain a thriving volunteer corps by establishing a...
Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices that Can...
This book explores neuroscience and faith from the perspective of a Christian psychiatrist.
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
This book enlightens readers about generational trauma, its impact on the body, and how to...
Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided by Faith
This collection of essays from various scholars explores race relations and the role religion...
Lost and Found: The Younger Unchurched and the Churches that Reach Them
Written with a hopeful outlook, this book describes the four young adult unchurched types and...
The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World
This thought-provoking book on leadership offers readers with tools they can use to become...
Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights
This book written by a seminary professor introduces faith leaders to basic accounting,...
Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passion of Adults Over 50
This book explores how Baby Boomers reimagine life after 50 and offers guidance to minister to...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This organization provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of...
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