81 results for Faith Formation


Principles for Online Ritual Design
This practical guide helps congregants create their own sacred spaces and rituals from home...
A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
This book shares ways to renew Roman Catholic parishes, ranging from paying college students...
Children of God Storybook Bible
Designed for children, this illustrated book retells over fifty Bible stories from the Old and...
Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide
This resource uses biblical and contemporary frameworks to help congregations minister to...
The Liturgy of Politics
This engaging book calls Evangelical Christians to reflect Jesus in political life by...
Holding Your Family Together: 5 Simple Steps to Help Bring Your Family Closer to God and Each Other
This resource outlines a five-step method any family can use to create "a home where every...
Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform...
This book shares how stories can be used to teach and captivate audiences in congregations.
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
This research-based resource identifies steps leaders and parents can take to help students...
99 Ways to Raise Spiritually Healthy Children
This book invites parents and their children to embark on a journey toward deeper family...
Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus
This resource draws from the authors' experience in addition to a range of traditional and...
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