49 results for Missional


New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
Ministry Incubators: Bringing Ideas Home to Roost
This organization is a incubator program and consulting group for early-stage missional...
Book Review: "The Vanishing Neighbor - The Transformation of American Community Culture" by Marc...
This article looks at the loss of neighborliness and offers analysis to support the missional...
Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement
This book calls Christians to embrace the "dirt, worms, and compost" and to serve the world...
Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership
This book combines missional theology, organizational know-how, and practical experience to...
For the City: Proclaiming and Living Out the Gospel
This short but engaging book dives into the work of two urban church planters, detailing...
World Relief
This organization employs principles of transformational development to empower local churches...
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