239 results for Building


8 Disruptive Church Trends that Will Rule 2021
Thought leader Cary Nieuwhof describes how congregational life will change with technology and...
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
This book examines the three types of humility that affects relationships and how to use...
web resource
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
This website provides a variety of resources to learn effective leadership.
web resource
Secure Community Network
This website provides news updates and education to safeguard Jewish communities and families....
50 Ways to Help Save the Earth: How You and Your Church Can Make a Difference
This book provides spiritual direction and practical tools to address causes of climate...
Renovation or New Construction: From Dreams to Planning to Committees
This 12-page guide breaks down the planning and building process into manageable steps.
web resource
Help! I'm Starting a Parking Lot from Scratch!
This blog post provides a list of obstacles to look out for and suggestions to keep in mind...
Family Life Centers and Congregations
This article offers insight and guidance to congregations contemplating building a Family Life...
Sharing God's House
This concise article provides a helpful guide for congregations considering sharing space with...
Practical Advice for Keeping Your Church Safe
This article guides congregational leaders through the "three essentials" that enhance...
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