72 results for E Giving


Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser
This book offers congregations a spiritual guide to aging well. Author Lewis Richmond is a...
This organization helps congregational leaders build and maintain engaging websites...
Struggling With What to Do With Your Church Building? Here is How to Find Help
This article provides resources and strategies for congregations that are beginning to...
This software package provides congregations with a single application for managing money,...
AI and the Church: A Clear Guide for the Curious and Courageous
In this book, Jason Moore explains how pastors and lay leaders can use AI as a tool to help...
Seeing Red: An Anger Management and Anti-Bullying Curriculum for Kids
Written in a small group format, this resource helps kids learn to self-regulate their...
This web-based solution by ACS is a robust management software that simplifies staff...
Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction
This resource provides clear and practical instructions on how to form and conduct a spiritual...
Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete: How Churches Can Get Out of This Business Once and For All
This e-book challenges congregations to create a high-expectation culture of giving,...
Horizons Stewardship Company
This fundraising company offers a range of strategic ministry and stewardship planning...
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