172 results for New


Missional Map-Making: Skills for Leading in Times of Transition
This resource argues that the old approach to making maps, a strategic planning technique, is...
Whitworth University Office of Church Engagement
This organization within Whitworth University partners with churches and other Christian...
Dealing with Neighborhood Transitions in Your Church, Part 2: Congregational Relocation
Part of a four-part series on ministry in changing neighborhoods, this article offers five...
Children of God Storybook Bible
Designed for children, this illustrated book retells over fifty Bible stories from the Old and...
web resource
28 Non-Numerical Signs Of A Healthy Church
This short blog by a small church pastor provides new factors to consider for envisioning...
Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (and How to Reverse it)
Based off the premise that charities more often hurt the people they hope to help than not,...
North American Mission Board: Church Replanting
This organization helps dying congregations foster new life through utilizing the assets of a...
Upwardly Global
This organization works to help immigrant, refugee and asylee professionals rebuild their...
web resource
Church Collaboration
Church Collaboration is a website built by coaching and consulting firm ChurchFuture of...
Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture
This book explains how media influences personal theology, providing tips to talk faith...
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