73 results for Racial Justice


Racial Diversity in a Changing Harlem Congregation
This video by PBS details the changes and growth of First Corinthian Church in Harlem, New...
Latinx Parenting
This bilingual organization supports parents to raise children with cultural healing,...
web resource
Revisionist History: The Lady Vanishes
This Malcolm Gladwell podcast episode shares the dangers of tokenism, especially as...
web resource
Publicly Engaged Church for Justice and Peace
This ELCA resource hub offers community organizing and advocacy tools for congregations.
We Are Called To Be A Movement
This short book describes the power of justice movements and calls faith leaders to action.
web resource
Stop AAPI Hate
This information hub advances equity, justice, and power by dismantling systemic racism and...
This peace center equips leaders in Korean and Asian-American churches to act toward unity,...
Beyond Hospitality
This article reflects on hospitality and the stranger through the lens of immigration,...
web resource
Kol Aleph
This website for The Alliance for Jewish Renewal encourages reform and revitalization of...
Wild Goose Festival
This event is part outdoor music festival, part retreat, and part justice conference. It...
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