1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
This website, provided by Prayerscapes, a group of Christian musicians, dramatic readers, and...
web resource
Creating a Healthier Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Wellness
This digital guide can help congregations provide programming and resources that support...
Shepherd's Staff
This software helps congregations manage their records for membership, attendance,...
The Future of Giving: Trends Shaping Next-Gen Philanthropy
This article helps congregational leaders understand how to connect with the values of...
FILO (First In Last Out)
This organization supports staff and volunteers who work on their congregation’s...
Gone for Good? Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition
This book of essays can help congregations that are exploring a significant change in how...
Don't Ignore Use Of Space When Planning For A Church's Environmental Sustainability
This article helps a congregation incorporate building usage into its environmental...
organization Updated
Bruce Bugbee's Right4 Ministries
Bruce Bugbee and his organization, Right4Ministries, believe in the power of effective and...
book Updated
Beyond Welcome: Centering Immigrants in Our Christian Response to Immigration
Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with...
web resource
Mitigating Attacks On Houses Of Worship Security Guide
This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into...
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