652 results for Leadership


This organization helps facilitate leadership skills through engaging activities and ropes...
Vital: Churches Changing Communities and the World
This resource shares the story of how one church in Florida was able to grow into a...
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
This resource explores aspects of Bowen Family Theory using stories from the author's family...
Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church
This resource combats the widespread loss of church participants by calling on congregations...
The Mission Table: Renewing Congregation and Community
This resource intertwines personal story and biblical insight with tools for leadership...
Lott Carey
This organization offers leadership development and educational resources focused on learning...
ChurchSmart Resources
This organization provides workshops, online resources, and assessment tools focused on church...
Holy Currency Exchange: 101 Stories, Songs, Actions, and Visions of Missional and Sustainable...
This book provides strategies on the stewardship of the six holy currencies: money, time and...
Becoming a Multicultural Church
This book details how one church went from being a traditional congregation to becoming a...
Prepare Now for Post-Pandemic Ministry, Church Professionals Urge
This thoughtful article provides key leadership actions to prepare for congregational life...
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